Pandas Practice Lab¶
The excitement begins!¶
As a reminder:
pd == pandas and df == dataframe
pandas functions¶
The five key pandas functions that allow you to solve “the vast majority of your data-manipulation challenges” are:
- df.query() -- select observations by their values
- df.sort_values() -- Reorder the rows
- df.loc[] -- Pick variables by their column names
- df.assign() -- Create new variables with functions of existing variables
- df.describe() -- Collapse many values down to a single summary
Bonus: df.groupby() -- we can use this in combination with any of the five to change the scope of each function from operating on the entire dataset to operating on it group by group
A note on df.groupby(): if you want to get multiple results for various groups (e.g. income categories), you could use df.groupby(by='column')
. This all happens in the background and results in a grouped object; sometimes, this means you need to reorganize your functions.
For more information, check out the documentation: https://
# import libraries
import pandas as pd
import os
For this assignment you can use any or all of the datasets I provided (described below) or choose two of your own!
For each of the two datasets you select, produce four parts:
- Question
- Psuedocode that answers the question
- Single line transactions using pandas functions
- Pipe the individual lines together and create a function
You can work with your groups for coding tips/advise or work through similar programming issues, but everyone must have their own set of questions and results.
Any dataset in the class repo works or:
nf2008_fg: http://
red_wine_quality: https://
Lets walk through a example. Below is a dataset on students admitted to a graduate program in Data Science (I actually don’t remember where this data came from).
Question: Are there differences in the admitted number of students on average by GPA and school rank?¶
An easy way to handle this is to identify function calls starting at the end of the question and working backwards.
- Group by school rank
- Calculate GPA Average
- Count total admitted
- Calculate % Admitted
- Arrange in descending order by Mean GPA
# Loading and preparing the data
admit_2 = pd.read_csv("/workspaces/MLI/data/LogReg.csv")
print( # .info() outputs the structure of the dataframe object. It includes the columns, the data types in each, etc.
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 400 entries, 0 to 399
Data columns (total 4 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 admit 400 non-null int64
1 gre 400 non-null int64
2 gpa 400 non-null float64
3 rank 400 non-null int64
dtypes: float64(1), int64(3)
memory usage: 12.6 KB
Next, we want to factorize rank
. This will allow better data analysis because there are only a few options for it. In R, these are called “levels”. In Python, these are “categorical” variables. Below, we’ll run through how to convert specific columns to categoricals.
#change rank to a categorical variable
admit_2['rank'] = admit_2['rank'].astype("category") # here, we assign the newly-assigned vars
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 400 entries, 0 to 399
Data columns (total 4 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 admit 400 non-null int64
1 gre 400 non-null int64
2 gpa 400 non-null float64
3 rank 400 non-null category
dtypes: category(1), float64(1), int64(2)
memory usage: 10.1 KB
Now, for the next portion: single-line calculations using the pseudocode as a plan¶
# look at the data:
admit_2.head() # this shows a small subset of the data; .head(x) shows x number of entries
Group by rank and assign the grouped values to a new dataframe
x1 = admit_2.groupby(['rank']) # this is done in the background
Next, calculate our additional variables (sum of admitted students, sum of students, and the mean GPA of the rankings in each category of rank
. For this, we will be constructing a new dataframe.
There is one issue: you can’t use .assign() on a grouped dataframe. There are two possible solutions for this:
- Make a call to an earlier iteration of the dataframe
- Initialize an empty dataframe and assign the new variables there.
First, I’ll show you what happens in the first instance. You’ll want to use this IF you want to keep all the previous columns.
x2 = admit_2.assign(admitted= x1.admit.sum(),
admit gre gpa rank admitted tot_students meanGPA
0 0 380 3.61 3 NaN NaN NaN
1 1 660 3.67 3 33.0 61.0 3.453115
2 1 800 4.00 1 54.0 151.0 3.361656
3 1 640 3.19 4 28.0 121.0 3.432893
4 0 520 2.93 4 12.0 67.0 3.318358
.. ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
395 0 620 4.00 2 NaN NaN NaN
396 0 560 3.04 3 NaN NaN NaN
397 0 460 2.63 2 NaN NaN NaN
398 0 700 3.65 2 NaN NaN NaN
399 0 600 3.89 3 NaN NaN NaN
[400 rows x 7 columns]
Let’s try the other way.
temp_df = pd.DataFrame()
temp_df = temp_df.assign(admitted= x1.admit.sum(),
The second method worked much better. But let’s say we used the first one -- how could we fix the issue?
This was messier than we would’ve preferred. As we can see, we’ve assigned new variables to x2, but it also uses all the other variables from x1. Now, we’ll want to select only the values we want.
There are a few ways we could do this:
- Use slicing to select your columns and rows
- Use slicing to select your columns and then remove all the NaNs
x2 = x2[['admitted', 'tot_students', 'meanGPA']] # selecting columns
Now, we see the values, but we only want rows 1-4, which correspond to the rank factors we found earlier. To do this, we can either filter out NaNs or select those specific rows. First, let’s try slicing.
x3 = x2[1:5]
Now, let’s try removing the NaNs instead:
x4 = x2.dropna() # dropna() is a simplified function of .drop(df.isna())
Both work!!
Now, we want to calculate the % of students from various ranks that were admitted. We’ll create a new variable to store the information.
x3 = x3.assign(ave_admit = lambda x: (x['admitted'] / x['tot_students']))
Now, let’s arrange the rows by descending GPA.
x3 = x3.sort_values(by='meanGPA', ascending=False)
Now, we pipe everything together and make a function
Function construction¶
def avg_admission(x):
x1 = x.groupby(['rank'])
avg = pd.DataFrame()
avg = avg.assign(admitted= x1['admit'].sum(),
meanGPA=x1['gpa'].mean()).assign(ave_admit = lambda temp: (temp['admitted'] / temp['tot_students'])).sort_values(by='meanGPA', ascending=False)
return avg
# move right to see the .sort_values()
As you saw above, some functions were added to each other (specifically, the .assign().assign().sort_values) all happened sequentially. This is called chaining. You could separate for clarity, but this is also a pretty efficient use of space in a program.
admitted tot_students meanGPA ave_admit
1 33 61 3.453115 0.540984
3 28 121 3.432893 0.231405
2 54 151 3.361656 0.357616
4 12 67 3.318358 0.179104
Note: above, I used .dropna() as a simplified version of the work I did earlier. Since all other values are NaNs, using .dropna() removes all other values. Likewise, .loc[:, [columns]] selected only the columns that I was working with and all rows that those columns cover.
For further clarification, don’t forget to leave comments on your code, but you also don’t need to go in as much depth exploring different methods like I did! This was just to give you further examples for your personal reference.